4-5 Years Old
Answers most questions about daily tasks
Understand most 'wh-' questions, including those about a story they have recently heard
Understand some numbers
Show an awareness that some words start or finish with the same sounds.
Follow three part instructions (e.g., put on your shoes, get your backpack and line up outside)
Understand time related words (e.g., ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘now’ and ‘later’)
Start thinking about the meaning of words when learning
Understand instructions without stopping to listen
Begin to recognise some letters, sounds and numbers.
Use words, such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’, to make longer sentences
Describe recent events, such as morning routines
Ask lots of questions
Use personal pronouns (e.g., he/she, me/you) and negations (e.g., don’t/can’t)
Count to five and name a few colours.
Use well formed sentences to be understood by most people
Take turns in increasingly longer conversations
Tell simple, short stories with a beginning, middle and end
Use past and future verbs correctly (e.g., ‘went’, ‘will go’)
Use most speech sounds, but still may have difficulties with ‘s’, ‘r’, ‘l’ and ‘th’.