9-12 months
Responds to their name even if they're occupied with a game
Respond when you say “no”
Turn their head and look for a sound when they can’t see what is making it (e.g. a noise coming from inside the cupboard or something behind them)
Anticipate what will happen next (e.g. giggle before you take your hands away in a game of peek-a-boo)
Look at objects or people when attention is given to them (e.g. pointing to a picture/person or an object such as a plane up in the sky.
Respond to someone by smiling or shying away
Use gestures, such as pointing, pulling or poking things to communicate what they want or need
Copy actions and sounds (e.g. clapping hands)
Vocalises some vowel-like sounds (e.g. ee, oo)
Vocalise one or two consonant sounds (e.g. m, d, p)
Combine sounds to form a syllable (e.g. da, pa)
Seek attention from others around them
Play simple turn-taking games like peek-a-boo